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Institutions and organisations

The Public Health Executive Agency, the High Level Group on Health Care, the Working Party on Health Systems, the eHealth Working party, the standardisation committees...

The Public Health Executive Agency - PHEA

The PHEA, charged with managing the European Public Health Programme, is entrusted with providing incentives to exchanges between various subjects, coordinating authorities and Community and national activities through a network of national focal points, feeding back the results of the projects to the decision-makers of the Directorate-General for Health and Consumer protection (DG SANCO) and others concerned.…

The Public Health Executive Agency - PHEA (EN)

High Level Group on Health Services and Medical Care

The High Level Group on Health Services and Medical Care was created to support cooperation between Member States and to improve the overall quality of health care.…

High Level Group on Health Care (EN)

Working Party on Health Systems

The Working Party on Health Systems, an EU health coordination initiative, gathers consultancy and monitoring experts on Community policies in the field of health systems, including on-line health...

Working Party on Health Systems (EN)

eHealth Working party

The eHealth Working party, an EU health coordination initiative, gathers decision-makers and experts concerned by national initiatives on on-line health, who provide expert consulting and examine the ways in which to accelerate the dissemination of health on the web.…

eHealth Working party (EN)

Standardisation committees

The committees for technical standardisation coordinate the work of European bodies and promote standardisation, in order to significantly stimulate the development and application of technology in the health sector.…

Standardisation committees (EN)

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