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Policies and programs

More on Directorate-General for Education and Culture initiatives, the Public Education Ministry ‘s National Plan, Europe’s "Education & Training 2010" agenda, Lifelong Learning, Comenius, Grundtvig and Youth in Action programmes, individual training schemes, Higher Education and Technical Training (IFTS) schemes, Italy’s National Operational Programme (NOP) on “Schools for Development”…

Directorate-General for Education and Culture

The European Union fosters co-operation among Member States with a view to contributing to the development of quality education in Europe. The Directorate-General for Education and Culture pursues three major lines of action: building Europe’s Knowledge Society, promoting a common European cultural area, engaging citizens in the building of Europe…

Directorate General for Education and Culture (IT)

National Plan of Action

Proposals submitted by the Italian Ministry of Education. The plan is approved and co-funded by the European Commission…

Italy’s “Education & Training 2010” proposals (IT)

Education, Training, Youth

The opportunities which the EU offers its citizens for living, studying and working in other countries make a major contribution to cross-cultural understanding, personal development and the realisation of the EU’s full economic potential. Each year, well over one million EU citizens of all ages benefit from EU-funded educational, vocational and citizenship-building programmes …

Education, Training, Youth (EN)

Education & Training 2010. The European Agenda

Plans to modernise education and training systems with a view to making Europe “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010” (Lisbon Agenda). The European Union’s programmes and objectives…

Education &  Training 2010 (EN)

Lifelong Learning

The European Union provides a wide  range of opportunities via its new Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP - 2007-2013), whose focus and actions on education and training are implemented by way of specific sectoral initiatives: Comenius and Grundtvig. LLP 2007–2013 budget allocation stands at 6,970 million euros…

Lifelong Learning Program (IT)

Tender notices on the PORE site (IT)

Comenius Programme

Comenius is a sectoral programme which targets, among others, pupils and teachers in school education up to the end of upper secondary education. Comenius aims to help young people acquire the basic life-skills and competences necessary for their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship. Comenius funds are allocated towards: multilateral cooperation projects, school partnerships, mobility of individuals (students, educational staff, language teachers) and networking. The Comenius 2007-2013 budget stands at just over 1,000 million euros…

Comenius Programme (IT)

Tender notices on the PORE site (IT)

Grundtvig Programme

Grundtvig is a sectoral programme which aims to promote lifelong learning for all age groups. Aims also include improving the quality and access to mobility throughout Europe of people involved in adult education. The programme looks to support the mobility of 7,000 individuals per year, by 2013. Mobility shall include visits and exchanges for participants in formal and non-formal adult education, including the training and professional development of adult education staff.  The Grundtvig 2007-2013 budget stands at 358 million euros…

Grundtvig Programme (IT)

Tender notices on the PORE site (IT)

Youth in Action Programme

This European Union programme shall be enacted between 2007 and 2013 with funding in excess of 880 million euros. The proposed budget for the 2007 – 2013 period is € 885 million. The Youth in Action programme will give funding support to projects under five headings: Youth for Europe, European Voluntary Service, Youth of the World, youth workers and support systems…

Youth in Action Programme (IT)

Tender notices on the PORE site (IT)

Ongoing Individual Training

Italy, in conjunction with the European Social Fund, supports on-going individual training through law no. 236/93 and law no. 53/00. Regional and local governments typically implement individual training by way of training vouchers and by arranging for an array of courses…

Ongoing Individual Training (IT)

Higher Education and Technical Training (IFTS)

The main objectives of Higher Education and Technical Training (IFTS) schemes lie with promoting swifter access of young adults into employment and re-qualify experienced workers. IFTS schemes target high school graduates and employed adults, and typically have a 2 to 4 semester duration, accounting for a total number of hours ranging between a minimum of 1,200 to 2,400. The IFTS website’s EU section provides an overview of the non-academic, post-secondary, training and education schemes adopted by other Members States…

IFTS scheme (IT)

Schools for Development - NOP

The “Schools for Development” National Operational Programme (NOP) looks to allocate funds towards education and training towards Italy’s southernmost regions and the isles (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily). NOP funding is issued by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). NOP objectives also look to reduce the number of early school leavers as well as to support and boost access to youth mobility…

Schools for Development – NOP (IT)

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