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Initiatives and Opportunities

More on studying within the European Union, one-year studies abroad, the “Europe at the Blackboard” competition, European Schoolnet, eTwinning, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) competition, the European Quality Charter for Mobility…

Europe and Education

The Europe and Education initiative aims to establish synergies within schools, with a view to nurturing the European identity among younger generations, and to engender full and responsible engagement in the development of the European Community’s cultural, economic and social growth...

Europe and Education (IT)
The “Manifesto for and by Young European Learners”

A manifesto issued thanks to the joint efforts of students from across Italy, who in 2006 contributed to the development of Italy’s “Education & Training 2010” nationwide promotion campaign. The manifesto, on the one hand, strives to provide its contribution to 2007 “Europe and Education” initiatives, while, on the other, celebrating this year’s anniversary celebrations of 50 years since the signing of the Rome Treaty...

The Manifesto for and by Young European (IT) 

Study opportunities

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ list of  study opportunities within the European Union. Particular emphasis is placed on European students’ equal opportunities and non discrimination…

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ list of study opportunities (IT)

Study Year Abroad

Families already can, off their own initiative, plan for their children to study abroad. Students attending upper-secondary level education can choose to pursue studies abroad for the duration of one entire academic year…

Study year abroad (IT)

"Europe at the Blackboard” Competition

The "Europe at the Blackboard" competition is sponsored by the European Commission Representation in Italy and targets students in secondary education. The aim of the competition is to stimulate students’ interest in Europe by involving them in the publication of websites on the European Union. A number of recommended issues can be treated, ranging from the 50th Rome Treaty Anniversary, to the celebration of Altiero Spinelli’s birth, to multilingualism…

“Europe at the Blackboard” Competition (IT)

European Schoolnet  

European Schoolnet is an international web-based cooperation initiative, bringing together the Education Ministries of 23 Member States, which promotes learning and innovation, targeting schools, educational staff and students from all across Europe. The portal provides up-to-date resources, news, didactic material, cooperation tools. The website also showcases educational practices and opportunities...

European Schoolnet (EN)


eTwinning is an EU initiative which fosters school twinning activities as means of exchanging knowledge and practices. eTwinning is not solely intended for students and teachers, extending to educational staff in general as a means of engendering greater overall involvement. The scheme was first set in motion as part of the eLearning, and as such is currently encompassed by Lifelong Learning initiatives. During 2006 some 23,200 schools took part in eTwinning: twice the numbers recorded the previous year…

eTwinning initiatives (EN)

"Discover the Joint Research Centre" (JRC)

The JRC (The European Commission’s research-based policy support organisation), together with the Ministry of Education, the Lombardy Regional Schools Office and the Varese Schools Department, have established the "Discover the JRC – Science and Technology in Europe through the Eyes of Young People" competition. The competition is aimed at drawing students in secondary education closer to Community’s research initiatives…

"Discover the JRC" competition (IT)

European Quality Charter for Mobility

The EU Official Gazette L 394/5 (30.12.2006) includes the publication of joint European Parliament and Council Recommendation 2006/961/CE, on the “European Quality Charter for Mobility”, addressing issues of transnational mobility for educational and professional training purposes…

European Quality Charter for Mobility (IT)

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