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Universities: Information and Structures

More on the Italian universities search engine, Italy’s Centre for Mobility and Academic Recognition (CIMEA), National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC), the European Youth Portal, the European University Institute, the University Institute of University Studies, the European College...

University Search

This research engine provides access to further information on Italian universities, including degree courses available, funded projects, lecturers and departments. Research tools allow users to search for information on all courses linked to European issues…

University Search (IT)

The Italian Centre for Mobility and Academic Recognition – CIMEA

CIMEA provides users with information on obtaining recognition of foreign academic credentials. The Centre also provides establishments with advice on academic titles and actively promotes mobility and free movement within the Union…

The Italian Centre for Mobility and Academic Recognition – CIMEA (IT)

NARIC network

The National Academic Recognition Information Centres network (NARIC) dedicates its efforts to facilitating the recognition of academic qualifications within the Union. The NARIC network’s website provides further information on Member States’ educational systems and country offices designated with the task of providing accreditation…

NARIC network (EN)

The European Youth Portal

The European Youth Portal is directly sponsored by the European Commission and aims to provide young citizens with access to a broad range of information on Europe. The website strives to engage younger citizens in public life and active citizenship. The website has a target audience of younger citizens aged between 15 and 25…

European Youth Portal (IT)

The European University Institute

The Florence-based European University Institute was founded in 1972. Its mission is to promote studies and research on Europe within the fields of economic, judicial, political and social sciences, and history. Applicants can choose from a range of post-graduate and post-doctorate courses…

European University Institute (EN)

The University Institute of European Studies

The Turin-based European Institute of European Studies was founded in 1952. Its mission is to promote “education and research into global European issues, fostering future generations of experts and international leaders”. Ongoing courses include International and Diplomatic Sciences for careers in diplomacy, international and EU establishments…

University Institute of European Studies (IT)

The European College

The European College is an establishment dedicated to post-graduate education. The College has premises in Bruges, Belgium, and Natolin in Poland. Available courses include a one-year European Studies masters course (lectures in English and French)…

European College (IT)

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