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Portals and organisations

The European network Eurodesk with information for young people and young workers, the internships in International Organisations, the European Youth Portal, CRUI.


The is the European information network for young people on programmes and initiatives promoted by the EU institutions in the youth sector. Eurodesk supplies information about European plans concerning young people in the areas of culture, training, mobility, their rights and voluntary work, aiming to make the opportunities offered by these programmes more accessible.

Eurodesk (EN)

Internships in International Organisations

University graduates and undergraduates can do internships in some international organisations. The number of candidates admitted and the duration of the internship varies from one institution to another. Those interested can apply directly to the organisation they are interested in by sending a CV and a letter of introduction.

Internships in International Organisations (IT)

European Youth Portal

The European Youth Portal, a digital enterprise of the European Commission, publishes up-to-date information on the trainee and internship possibilities in Europe and the world.

European Youth Portal (IT)


CRUI is an organisation which works for and with the university system. Its job is to direct and put into practice a university system ever more efficient and innovative, to the extent that it represents a strategic element in the growth of Italian society.


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