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Portals, Institutions and Networks

More on the Italian Institute for the Development of Vocational Training of Workers (ISFOL), the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), the European Training Foundation, the National Europass Centre, Eures, the European Training Village, the Formez Study and Training Centre, the portal...

Vocational Guidance and Training

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website provides information provides access to information concerning vocational guidance and training services...

Vocational Training and Guidance (IT)

Italian Institute for the Development of Vocational Training of Workers  - ISFOL

Italy’s ISFOL Institute is tasked with worker vocational training issues. As of 1995 ISFOL has taken on the role of National Support Structure, handling a range of European initiatives such as programme Equal and liaising with the European Social Fund. ISFOL also acts as national coordinator for the Leonardo da Vinci programme and as National Contact Point for Europass...

ISFOL website (IT)

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - CEDEFOP

Cedefop is the European agency entrusted with vocational training. The Centre was established in 1975 in Thessalonika, Greece. Cedefop is tasked with researching and implementing EU vocational and permanent training initiatives, as well as providing advice, research, analysis, information, hosting forums for policy debate and more…

CEDEFOP website (EN)

The European Training Foundation

The Foundation was established in 1990 to contribute to the development of the education and training systems of EU Member States. The Turin based Foundation is tasked, with “developing quality education and training systems and in putting them into practice”...

The European Training Foundation (EN)

National Europass Centre

Europass is a European Commission initiative designed to provide a common, clear and understandable basis on which to submit qualifications and competences, as a means of promoting citizens’ mobility throughout Europe. Europass consists of five documents through which to describe and certify skills and qualifications: the Europass CV, the Europass Language Passport, the Europass Diploma Supplement, the Europass Mobility and Certificate Supplement…

National Europass Centre (IT)

Eures network

The Eures network provides support for citizens who wish to move within the European Union for work or education purposes. The "Learning" section allows for detailed searches based on level of education, language, host country and field of study...

The Eures network

The European Training Village

The European Training Village (ETV) is an user-interface website for VET sector professionals. The site provides users with access to news, debate forums, cooperation tools, reports and study databases...

The European Training Village (EN)

Formez Project EU-Forma

Formez is currently conducting project EU-Forma which aims to establish common, shared guidelines on how to establish public administration training professionals to EU standards. To that effect the project looks to provide an additional contribution to the debate over establishing PA-dedicated training  professionals…

Formez project EU-Forma (IT)

This ISFOL devised website focuses entirely on Law 236/93, showcasing major Italian funding projects in favour of lifelong training programmes, alongside initiatives by the European Social Fund. The website has a detailed array of links to Region- and Province-funded training programs and initiatives…

The website (IT)

Professional guidance and training

Information on training opporuntities for improving professional skills and knowledge, from the Ministry of Employment and Welfare.

Professional guidance and training (IT)

Training for scientific and technological research

The Network for the Evaluation of University Research (Netval) provides training for company personnel engaged in the management of scientific and technological research.

Training for scientific and technological research (IT)

Training centre on the European Union

The AICCRE (Italian Assocation of European Municipalities and Regions) organises training courses on the main Community themes for public administrations, managers and civil servants at local and regional government agencies, professionals, NGOs and young graduates.


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