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Policies and programmes

The guidelines in the field of health aim at improving information and knowledge with a view to promoting public health and health systems, boosting the ability to respond rapidly and coherently to health threats and addressing health determinants.…
La salute nell’UE

Il portale Salute-UE offre continui aggiornamenti sulle politiche adottate a livello europeo, nazionale e internazionale in materia di sanità. Il portale costituisce un’importante fonte di informazione per operatori sanitari, amministrazioni pubbliche, responsabili politici e parti interessate...

Il portale Salute-UE

Recepimento  delle direttive comunitarie

E’ di recente pubblicazione all’interno del portale “” una sezione dedicata al recepimento delle direttive comunitarie in materia sanitaria e delle procedure di infrazione a cura del Dipartimento dell’innovazione...

Recepimento delle direttive comunitarie in materia sanitaria

Programme of Community action in the field of public health (2007-2013)

Through this Action Programme, the European Union aims at improving information and knowledge with a view to promoting public health and health systems, boosting the ability to respond rapidly and coherently to health threats and addressing health determinants…

Programme of Community action in the field of public health (2007-2013) (IT)

Policies and programmes for health protection of babies and children

The European Union aims to secure a high level of health protection for babies and children starting from the early phases: prenatal health, issues related to nutrition, healthy diet and weight control, use of specific drugs.…

Policies and programmes for health protection of babies and children (IT)

Policies and programmes to protect the health of young people

The health of adolescents and young people is affected by a variety of factors including social and environmental aspects. The European Union focuses attention on areas of activity identified as key: smoking, nutrition and physical activity, sexual health, alcohol and drugs abuse, mental health.…

Policies and programmes to protect the health of young people (IT)

Policies and programmes to protect the health of people with disabilities

The European Union’s high priorities are access to long-term care and support services. The major objectives in this field are: reducing social exclusion, removing obstacles and barriers, facilitating mobility and exploiting information technology…

Policies and programmes for protecting the health of people with disabilities (IT)

Policies and programmes to protect the health of men and women

The European programme proposes to elaborate prevention and disease management strategies analysed by gender…

Policies and programmes to protect the health of men (IT)

Policies and programmes to protect the health of women (IT)

Policies and programmes to protect the health of elderly people

The Community Public Health Programme supports action aimed at addressing health determinants linked with certain major diseases that mostly strike in later life...

Policies and programmes to protect the health of elderly people (IT)

Stili di vita

Numerosi i richiami alle strategie Oms per quanto riguarda il contrasto al fumo di tabacco, la promozione dell’attività fisica, la nutrizione, soprappeso e obesità nel sito del Centro di controllo delle malattie (CCM). In particolare si segnalano: la Piattaforma d’azione europea su dieta, attività fisica e salute e  la Carta europea per il contrasto all’obesità...

Stili di vita

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Dipartimento Politiche Europee della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri 2007 © Tutti i diritti riservati