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Common policies and legislation in force

European cooperation in the field of home affairs and justice has constantly increased over the years. One of the fundamental objectives of the EU, as stated by the Constitutional Treaty signed in 2004, is to offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal borders.
Justice and Home Affairs

The heads of state and government have committed themselves to develop common policies in the fields of asylum, immigration and visas. Important progress has also been made in the integrated management of the common external borders.

Justice and Home Affairs on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (IT)

Justice, security and freedom on the website of the European Commission Representation in Italy

The website of the European Commission Representation in Italy dedicates a large section to the European area of justice, security and freedom. Other than describing the competences of commissioner Franco Frattini, the site gathers together information on asylum, immigration, customs and police cooperation, fighting organised crime.

Security and freedom on the website of the European Commission Representation inItaly (IT)

Strengthening the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice

One of the fundamental objectives of the EU, as stated by the Constitutional Treaty signed in 2004, is to offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal borders. According to the Treaty, this objective can be reached by facilitating decision-making, increasing the powers of the European Parliament and extending the competences of the European Court of Justice.

Strengthening the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice (EN

Commissioner Frattini’s website

“It is important to bring these matters closer to EU citizens and explain their relevance. I therefore meet with many people, including local people working at the forefront in Member States.”

Commissioner Frattini’s website (IT)
"Justice and home Affairs" Council

The Justice and Home Affairs Council brings together Justice ministers and Interior ministers once every two months to discuss the development and implementation of common policies in this sector

“Justice and home Affairs” Council (IT)

EUR Lex – access to EU legalisation

EUR-Lex provides direct free access to European Union law. The system makes it possible to consult the Official Journal of the European Union and it includes inter alia the treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals.

EUR-Lex website (IT)

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