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Institutions and organisations

Before arranging a trip to one of the Member States it helps to know which institutions and organisations you can go to for information or to resolve problems: the public tourist bodies of the individual EU countries, the embassies and consulates, Europe Direct...

Public tourist agencies

All the information needed prior to arranging a visit to an EU country, direct from the tourist agencies of the individual countries…

Public tourist agencies in the Member States (IT)

Embassies and consulates

It is essential that any theft is reported immediately to the police and that written evidence of this is sent (attached to the claims form) to the insurance company. The theft or loss of credit cards must also be reported to the relevant companies immediately in order to block the cards from further use. In the case of passport or ID theft, on the other hand, you should inform your embassy or consulate as soon as possible…

Embassies and consulates of the Member States (IT)

Europe direct

For free advice on travellers rights and to receive assistance, you can contact EUROPE DIRECT by phone (0080067891011) from anywhere in the EU or send an e-mail...

The Europe Direct website (IT)

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