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VisitEurope portal, climate information, time zones, national holidays, cultural activities, how to use stamps, some extra information about the Euro, exchange rates on the European Central Bank website... 

Institutions and organisations

Before arranging a trip to one of the Member States it helps to know which institutions and organisations you can go to for information or to resolve problems: the public tourist bodies of the individual EU countries, the embassies and consulates, Europe Direct...

Policies and funding

The Schengen agreement, tourism and small businesses, economic backing for the tourist industry, the new security rules, the 112 emergency services number in Europe, access and rights to health services, money and international payment methods, air passenger rights , the transportation of animals... 

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Dipartimento Politiche Europee della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri 2007 © Tutti i diritti riservati